Congress Abstract Book is now published! Congress Abstract Book is now published! II. International Plant Breeding Congress and EUCARPIA - Oil and Protein Crops Section Conference finished II. International Plant Breeding Congress and EUCARPIA - Oil and Protein Crops Section Conference finished Biotech Conference in Agra 2016 Biotech Conference in Agra 2016 Abstract Correction Period is over Abstract Correction Period is over ATTENTION FOR THE POSTER PRESENTATIONS! ATTENTION FOR THE POSTER PRESENTATIONS! Deadline for the Early Registration and Abstract Submission are extended to 10th October 2015. Deadline for the Early Registration and Abstract Submission are extended to 10th October 2015. II. International Plant Breeding Congress Second Announcement II. International Plant Breeding Congress First Announcement G20 Summit will be held in the same location with the II. IPBC & EUCARPIA-OPC on 13-16 November 2015.



Supporting Organizations

Plant Breeding    Genetic Resources    Germaplazm    Physiology    Genetics    INTPBC    Molecular Genetics    Abiotic Tolerance    Quality    INTPBC2015    Disease Resistance