The first International Plant Breeding Congress was held in Antalya, Turkey in WOW Topkapı Palace Hotel on 10-14 November 2013 with great participation of 650 researchers from all over the world and hosted by the Plant Breeders Union of Turkey (BISAB), Turkish Plant Breeders Association (TUBİD), Turkish Seed Union (TURKTOB), ECO Seed Association (ECOSA), along with the support of other national and international organizations. The Congress topics covered:

  • Conventional Plant Breeding
  • Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
  • Genetic Engineering and Genomics
  • Genetic Resources for Plant Breeding

With additional Sessions on:

  • Intellectual Property Rights in Plant Breeding
  • Winter Wheat Studies (under the auspices of International Winter Wheat Improvement Program)

The Congress were carried out under three different sections as field crops, horticultural crops and genetic resources. It was intended that the subjects be kept broad in order to provide opportunity to the science community to present their work as oral presentations or posters. Congress languages were Arabic, English, Russian and Turkish. There was simultaneous translation during the congress at these four languages.

We cordially extend our invitation to you and your colleagues and look forward to welcoming you in Antalya in Second International Plant Breeding Congress in a friendly environment of WOW Kremlin Palace Hotel.



Supporting Organizations

INTPBC2015    Disease Resistance    Germaplazm    Quality    Molecular Genetics   Plant Breeding    Genetic Resources    Physiology    Genetics    INTPBC    Abiotic Tolerance